Profile achieved (industry-wide)
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Here we list the buzzes and profiles that have been most viewed in the last 90 days.
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Most read research buzzes
(1394) Stewart Investors: 5 RFPs Issued
Stewart Investors: 5 RFPs Issued
Stewart Investors: 5 RFPs IssuedClothing Companies
Purpose: To identify leaders and laggards in supply chain management and lifecycle management in clothing sector.(Link).Smoking, vaping and convenience stores
Purpose: To identify companies most and least at risk and to identify best practices in reducing these risks.(Link).Hospitals
Purpose: To identify leaders and laggards in terms of managing real and perceived conflicts between profit and best healthcare outcomes within the listed hospital sector.(Link).Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Purpose: To better understand the environmental hazards of critical chemicals used by the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) sector, how they interact with the need for greater energy efficiency, and where our list of companies sit in terms of their environmental impact.As investors in the sector we recognise the human benefits HVAC can bring in a variety of environments. But we need demonstrable evidence that the rapid growth of this sector going forward doesn’t come with large environmental impacts such as long-term chemical loading on the environment.(Link).Universal Design
Purpose: To understand how well-prepared supermarkets are for:- the demographic shift towards an aging population (1) and
- cater to the estimated 16% of the global population living with a significant disability (2).
Universal design reaches beyond these groups to their caregivers, families and communities.(Link)(937) Outokumpu: Sustainability Strategy Update (20 March | Virtual)
Outokumpu: Sustainability Strategy Update (20 March | Virtual)
Stainless steel manufacturer, Outokumpu positions itself as the global leader in sustainable stainless steel.
The company’s sustainable competitive advantage derives from 75% lower carbon footprint that supports Outokumpu’s customers to significantly reduce their supply chain emissions. The unique geographical location with low-carbon energy in Nordics, ownership of the only chromium mine within European Union and strategic commitment to circular economy positions the company as the leader in sustainability within its industry.
- Introduction to Outokumpu – Linda Häkkilä, Head of Investor Relations
- Outokumpu’s Sustainable Development Strategy – Heidi Peltonen, Vice President, Sustainability
- Q&A
- Format: Webinar
- Date: Thursday 20 March 2025
- Time: 12.00 – 13.00 (London) | 14:00 – 15: 00 (Helsinki) | 07:00 – 08:00 (New York)
- Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom
Using the form below or direct to
About Outokumpu
Outokumpu produces a range of stainless steel products, including hot and cold rolled, precision strip, tubular and stainless long products together with a range of stainless fittings, flanges and welding consumables. The company’s products are used in automotive, heavy transport, white goods, building and construction and in process industries.
(655) Planet Tracker: Deep Sea Mining: A Policy Guide
Planet Tracker: Deep Sea Mining: A Policy Guide
Planet Tracker has previously highlighted significant financial risks from deep sea mining including the potential to destroy USD 30-132 billion of corporate value and putting over USD 560 billion at risk in export earnings per year for the countries most dependent on mining copper, cobalt, manganese and nickel on land.
The Deep Sea Mining Policy Guide provides financial institutions with recommendations on how to develop investment and financing policies on this issue, highlighting some of the key sectors involved and additional resources that financial institutions can use.
(592) dsm-firmenich: ESG Expert Investor Event (25 March | Kaiseraugst - CH)
dsm-firmenich: ESG Expert Investor Event (25 March | Kaiseraugst - CH)
On 25 March, dsm-firmenich will present the ESG philosophy, strategy and plans of the merged company and present the new data (for the combined company) from its recently-published 2024 Integrated Annual Report.
This event is set-up for analysts and ESG specialists who are looking for a deeper understanding of dsm-firmenich's ESG credentials and seeking an engagement with the company's ESG specialists.
Our event will highlight dsm-firmenich’s core beliefs on sustainability, our sustainability agenda, and the business value it brings.
The program includes keynotes from and Q&A with dsm-firmenich's CEO, CFO, and CSO and a networking lunch with senior management of dsm-firmenich.
Also, there will be in-depth sessions on:
- nature and biodiversity
- health and wellness
- carbon reduction
- value chain projects
- the science capabilities of dsm-firmenich as enablers of sustainable solutions
To request an invitation to the event, please contact Sandra Segers via here.
If you cannot attend the event in person but are interested in the company / subjects covered or would welcome contact on sustainability with dsm-firmenich, please complete the form below:
(571) William Blair: The Energy Transition: Fueling Tomorrow’s Economy
William Blair: The Energy Transition: Fueling Tomorrow’s Economy
Over time, the forces behind the energy transition have become deeper and the motivations more diverse.
A longstanding catalyst of the energy transition has been the adverse impact of burning fossil fuels on the climate. Globally, there has been a consensus that the world needed to shift away from a scarce, expensive, inefficient, and volatile commodity-based fossil fuel system to a cheaper, cleaner, and leaner technology that is readily available and exposed to falling costs.
The shift from hydrocarbons to electrons has resulted in greater electrification and digitalization within the power space. The commercialization of electric vehicle (EV) technology is directly linked to these initiatives as transportation is a huge contributor to emissions. Electrifying transport is, and will continue to be, beneficial from an emissions reduction perspective.
But recently, new energy transition catalysts have emerged, such as national security (particularly as importing fuel through pipelines that could potentially be compromised has emerged as a threat) and the deglobalization of supply chains. As reshoring and nearshoring accelerate, there is a need for countries in both emerging and developed markets to dramatically increase investment in their capacity to generate, transmit, and distribute power, which is also providing momentum to the energy transition...
(567) S&P: Big Picture for Sustainability in 2025: Secondary Perils and Protection Gaps
S&P: Big Picture for Sustainability in 2025: Secondary Perils and Protection Gaps
S&P: Big Picture for Sustainability in 2025: Secondary Perils and Protection Gaps
Insured losses from natural catastrophes globally have topped $100 billion in each of the past three years and, thanks to hurricanes Helene and Milton, look set to do so again in 2024.
Contributing factors to these high numbers include growing populations in catastrophe-prone areas and rising insured property values because of economic inflation.
In hurricane-prone Florida, litigation is pushing up claims costs. The El Niño-Southern Oscillation, a recurring natural climate pattern, has a big influence on the strength and location of tropical cyclones.
(545) Planet Tracker: Food Giants & Fertiliser Risk
Planet Tracker: Food Giants & Fertiliser Risk
Planet Tracker: Food Giants & Fertiliser Risk
Widespread misuse of synthetic fertilisers has led to a rise in fertiliser-related environmental risks. Planet Tracker searched the company filings of 45 of the largest food system companies globally for evidence that food producers, manufacturers, and food retailers are highlighting fertiliser-related risks to investors and other stakeholders.
Overall, this report found that a third of companies are failing to acknowledge fertiliser risks at all. Many risk disclosures are still superficial, and more companies need to provide evidence that they assess the risks associated with fertiliser misuse in their own operations and value chains, such as the potential financial cost and declining agricultural yields from fertiliser overuse.
(544) Manulife IM: A thematic framework for investing in the nature and climate transition
Manulife IM: A thematic framework for investing in the nature and climate transition
Key takeaways
- "We believe the urgency of the nature and climate transition will continue to present a broad and deep investment opportunity set, which we’ve categorized into five distinct themes.
- We view these five themes as being truly global in scope, collectively extending to virtually every asset type, market sector, investment style, and geographic region."
(511) ISS ESG: Why Forests Matter and Assessing Deforestation Risk in Investment Portfolios
ISS ESG: Why Forests Matter and Assessing Deforestation Risk in Investment Portfolios
The Root Cause of Nature Loss: Forests, Why They Matter, and How to Assess Deforestation Risk in Investment Portfolios through Nature-Related Data
ISS STOXX's Natural Capital Research Institute's publishes a report to answer the question:
How are global institutional investors exposed to deforestation risks in their investment portfolios, and how can they assess and mitigate those risks—and related impacts and dependencies—while capitalizing on nature-based opportunities?
(507) LGIM: Renewables under Trump: what to expect (blog)
LGIM: Renewables under Trump: what to expect (blog)
"The following is an extract from our 2025 global outlook.
Pre-election rhetoric left little room for doubt regarding the incoming president’s view of pro-climate policies, with Trump promising to “terminate” funding for what he called the “Green New Deal”.
In contrast, we believe the eventual impact of the Republican administration on the clean energy market will be highly nuanced.
The details will matter, of course. Still, there are practical as well as political complications that could significantly blunt Trump’s stated ambitions...."
Most viewed job posts
(921) JobPost: Climate Asset Management - AM (Sustainability), Nature Based Carbon Strategy (London | Close unknown)
JobPost: Climate Asset Management - AM (Sustainability), Nature Based Carbon Strategy (London | Close unknown)
nb Climate Asset Management is an independent investment firm co-owned by HSBC Asset Management (HSBC AM) and Pollination.
(840) JobPost: SSgA - Global Head of Sustainability (Environmental, Social, and Governance ESG Compliance) Managing Director (Various Locations, Close 31 Jan)
JobPost: SSgA - Global Head of Sustainability (Environmental, Social, and Governance ESG Compliance) Managing Director (Various Locations, Close 31 Jan)
Most viewed organisations
- (91) abrdn
- (46) Aviva Investors
- (35) X-AM-Test
Most viewed users
- (27) Mike Tyrrell @ SRI-CONNECT
- (14) Corinne Yates @ X-AM-Test
- (12) Bob Yavin-Jones @ X-AM-Test
- (4) Aura Dron @ MSCI ESG Research
- (4) Wai-Shin Chan @ Unknown firm
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