Financial news and data agencies are likely to make use of the following services from SRI-CONNECT:

Market Buzz & Research

Financial news and data agencies typically have their own sourcing processes and information is presented on proprietary information platforms; they are therefore unlikely to use SRI-C’s platform to source or distribute data or research.

However, they may use Market Buzz to

  • Monitor news from SRI practitioners
  • Notify the industry of product launches and developments
Directory, networks & discussion
  • Find and filter profiles to identify relevant research providers, contacts at companies, analysts at research providers and experts at other organisations
  • Ensure that suppliers (companies, specialist research providers and others) have a clear understanding of their objectives, capabilities and needs
  • Present their research capabilities to a global market of SRI investors
  • Participate in events ranging from company briefings to industry conferences
  • Discuss industry developments with customers, peers and suppliers
  • Build and manage their own SRI network via the groups, events and messaging functions
SRI Dynamics discussion papers
  • Integrated analysis: approaching a tipping point – which reviews how sustainability issues are being used to identify additional sources of investment risk and opportunity within SRI and ‘mainstream’ investment
  • Agencies of Change - which reviews the fundamental changes underway in the provision of SRI research and discusses the challenges facing the business and research model of specialist SRI agencies.
Registration and membership
  • These special considerations govern the access of NGOs to SRI-Connect
  • XXXXX - MT to write sth about how NGOs can use the site to develop their profile and track progress

For full details see Registration and subscription


Build profile, distribute research, share ideas

Financial news and data agencies can:

Learn & interact

Financial news and data agencies can:


... and like all members of the network, they can:


These special conditions govern the access of NGOs to SRI-Connect

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