Universities and academics are likely to use the following services from SRI-CONNECT:
Market Buzz & Research
- Channel news of their research and findings to SRI industry participants with mutual interests
- Search the SRI-CONNECT database for research and reports
Directory, networks & discussion
- Find and filter profiles to identify SRI practitioners with mutual interests
- Present themselves and their relevant research activities to the SRI marketplace
- Build and manage their own SRI network via the groups, events and messaging functions
Build profile, distribute research, share ideas
Universities can:
- Use Market Buzz to raise the profile of their research and share their opinions with investors and analysts (About Market Buzz | Post research & reports)
- Use the Directory to highlight their organisational and individual capabilities and interests (About Directory | Update your organisation's profile | Update your personal profile)
- Advertise events (About Events | All events)
- Monitor the developing profile of their firm and research with sustainable investment industry
- Response to requests for research made via the Research Marketplace
Learn & interact
Universities can:
- Receive research that matches their areas of focus (About Market Buzz | View the latest buzz)
- Learn about the dynamics of the sustainable investment industry (SRI Primer | Ecology of SRI | Trends & opinion)
- Join discussions (All Discussion Groups)
- Make connections & send messages
... and like all members of the network, they can:
- Careers, skills & jobs: Employ others and develop their own skills & careers
- People & networks: Network with, follow and engage with others
These special conditions govern the access of NGOs to SRI-Connect